Explore A World Of Stupidity

Blog News


SO THIS IS MY NEWS PAG- Er, I mean, this is my news page. It won't be used very often but any relevant blog-related news will be posted here.

10/2/2020 - After a brief hiatus where the author had to travel across the country for a funeral, regular updates are returning. In the interest of maintaining predictable updates, the blog will now update every Thursday and Sunday of each week unless otherwise noted for reasons such as real life emergencies or, much more likely, pure laziness.

11/2/2020 - Roman numerals are stupid. Removed them from post names in lieu of honest, god-fearing Hindu-Arabic. 

1/6/2021 - StoneToss: Episode 25 becomes the first individual post to break 10k views. yay wahoo. In other news, the blog gains a "stupid image of the now" addition which will rotate every so often. It's not integrated into the blog the best, but Blogger is a piece of shit and limits what I can do.


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