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Thursday, December 10, 2020

StoneToss: Episode 40: Special Edition II

Comic Name: Violation 

Description: Rev up those helicopters.

Mouseover: It's not blood "libel" if it's true.

Originally Published: 11/13/2018

What The Comic Is: A man in a snake shirt mentions that being Jewish isn't in violation of napping. Another man opens a scroll, revealing a passage of Jewish law concerning circumcision. The man in the snake shirt seems to encounter some struggle in reading the words, perhaps (or perhaps not) unrelated to the fact he's wearing a snake shirt.

What StoneToss Actually Thinks: Libertarians shouldn't defend Jews because Jews practice circumcision. 

Why It's Fucking Stupid: So the N.A.P. is the Non-aggression principle, a philosophy of thinking that views any 'aggression' against others (this aggression meaning different things, not limited to just physical aggression) as inherently wrong. This seems fine at face value, but we'll talk more about NAP soon. Anyways, NAP is considered a strong foundational building block of Libertarianism, and this comic seems to suggest that StoneToss professes as adhering to its philosophy (StoneToss being a self-described Libertarian, so this makes sense). When the man in the Gadsden flag shirt (a Libertarian) defends Judaism as not being a violation of NAP, the second man produces a scroll describing Jewish circumcision. 

What StoneToss is saying is that because Jews have a religious culture that calls for the circumcision of men, that Judaism inherently violates NAP. Alright, fair enough. I think everyone can agree that the circumcision of babies is a wildly outdated practice and there's absolutely no relevant arguments for it, even when we enter the grounds of religious tradition territory. However, StoneToss doesn't just criticize Jewish circumcision; frankly it'd be totally fine if that's all he did. He extends this criticism to include that simply "being Jewish" is a violation of NAP, and that his fellow Libertarians need to be 'woked' to the fact that Jews are inherently a danger to the Libertarian way of thinking/living.

NAP is a line of thinking that is adopted and understood in different ways by more than just Libertarians. Even within Libertarianism the precise definition of NAP is debated over in longwinded, pretentious arguments that are based in contrived "what if?" scenarios to support absolute statements on what aggression is. For instance, NAP could be used to argue either for or against abortion. Is abortion an aggression against the unborn child? Then it's a violation of NAP. Is making abortion an illegal act an aggression against the mother? Then it's a violation of NAP.  You now might see where the arguments among NAP-adherents come from. 

But for the purpose of a lot of Libertarians, NAP is basically just a word salad they barely understand outside of using it to justify their own bigotry. Like StoneToss! Libertarianism in general, with its philosophy of "liberty of the individual = liberty for all" is a natural magnet for those who want an easy greenlight to exercise discrimination. When a baker denies baking a cake because it will be used in a gay wedding, for instance. Never mind that discriminating against a minority that is still fighting for the basic right of being able to marry their chosen significant other is soundly considerable as an aggression under NAP; it's only an aggression when it's against the most historically oppressed people in the USA: straight white men! Like StoneToss!

Okay , NAP time is over. What does all of that mean for the rest of the comic? It means StoneToss' comic is shit.

Comic Name: Target Acquired

Description: RIP Tay.

Mouseover: Skynet when?

Originally Published: 11/15/2018

What The Comic Is: A scientist rejoices to his peer that they've finally created an AI that can interpret art. They decide to test the AI on a few Facebook meme pages. After waiting for a moment, they wonder if their AI is working. The AI, obviously turning hostile, 'locks on' to the two scientists, who are visibly brown and/or Jewish.

What StoneToss Actually Thinks: Stupid Facebook memes are turning the damn AI redpilled.

Why It's Fucking Stupid: StoneToss references Tay, or Tay AI. Tay AI was an AI programmed by Microsoft and billed as the first "fully AI social media user". Tay AI was rather advanced, although,  like the archaic SantaBots and BonziBuddies of AI past, it still operated on a simple 'learning by being talked to' fundamental. Of course, this meant that if you were to, say, spam the AI with racist memes and language that the AI would then 'learn' to start parroting what it was being spammed with. Anyways, 16 hours after launching Tay AI, Microsoft pulled the plug on the whole deal because, ya know, it was spammed by trolls who wanted to turn the AI racist. Hilarious? Yes, very much so. Relevant to any greater subject matter? Not so much.

StoneToss is trying to assert that a majority of any given memes are going to be racist, as if that is some reflection of how the majority of society really feels. Notice the careful use of language, such as "some random Facebook meme pages", instead of "some racist meme pages". If this were anyone but StoneToss we could easily take the joke as being that Facebook is filled with overt racists, but since it's StoneToss we can easily take the joke as being an unhinged glimpse into the mind of a depressed, self-loathing little man who holds out with wishful thinking that the "silent majority" is just as awful as he is. In other words, StoneToss thinks Tay AI turned racist because it got redpilled by TRUE AND HONEST memes and not because it was deliberately and overwhelmingly targeted by trolls with the sole intention of ruining Microsoft's plan.

Comic Name: For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls

Description: Hmm, nobody seeks to remedy asian [sic] under-representation in the NBA.

Mouseover: Strange how every race has a different average height, color, and hair type, but EXACTLY the same level of intelligence...

Originally Published: 11/20/2018

What The Comic Is: A man asks his friend what he's reading. The friend explains he's examining a bell curve distribution separated on race. The man, shocked, begins to ask why his friend would read something so racist, but stops short once he notices the paper is examining height.

What StoneToss Actually Thinks: That because physical difference exist between races, therefore mental ones do as well.

Why It's Fucking Stupid: We've been here before. Like, StoneToss is no stranger to making multiple comics about the same thing, but we've literally been to this exact fucking comic before. The first time StoneToss did it, it was with dogs. It's just another stupid comic about how people from different most-recent geological backgrounds share broad physical differences, so StoneToss believes this correlates to them obviously also having differences in intelligence. This is despite no science backing up a notion of intelligence differences between races of people. So StoneToss doesn't base this stance in any actual logic, it's just what he desperately wants to believe. It's mere coincidence that StoneToss considers the race he identifies with, white, as being the most intelligent; while considering the race he dislikes, black, as being less intelligent. Clearly he has no bias in believing his genetic superiority. After all, his website's About page says he isn't racist!!!

Comic Name: Pimpin' Ain't 1040EZ

Description: #ThotAudit

Mouseover: Now that's a pimp hand you don't wanna catch.

Originally Published: 11/27/2018

What The Comic Is: A woman with Shrek tits throws her fit to the air, proclaiming that sex work is real work. A man in a bathrobe and hat appears behind her, his golden chain reading 'IRS', as he threatens that the woman had better have his money.

What StoneToss Actually Thinks: That sex work is to be mocked and that "Thot Audit" was a real thing.

Why It's Fucking Stupid: StoneToss consumes porn. We all know he does. We all know he looks at real people porn, and probably looks at real women. This doesn't stop him from mocking, deriding and generally disrespecting the very same people and their work that he benefits from. This is your standard, vanilla misogyny. In this comic, he tries to mock women for daring to believe their work is in any way legitimate by suggesting that all women are prostitutes with a pimp (the 'pimp' in this case being the IRS). Women empower themselves by working for themselves through OnlyFans or Patreon, and StoneToss really doesn't like this. At least, he feels, if there's a man behind the scenes then women don't have too much agency. Ignore the fact that if the IRS is indeed the 'pimp' of sex workers, then that by effect means everyone who pays taxes is a prostitute paying their pimp. Excellent logic from StoneToss, as always.

But let's talk about the "Thot Audit". Thot Audit was a social movement/meme that... didn't exist. Because it was a joke. The whole time it was just a joke. Thot Audit began as a Tweet claiming that sex workers on OnlyFans/the internet were being exposed to the IRS for not reporting income, and were being ruined in audits. First of all, none of these women were identifiable via their fucking Twitter handles or porn names. In reality, calling up the IRS and trying to explain to them that "poopeaterkitten4u" wasn't reporting the 300,000 dollars she makes by eating her own shit on webcam doesn't result in IRS agents triangulating her location and shooting tactical ballistic missiles at her house. Second, pretty much every sex worker is reporting their earnings because most of their earnings were coming in over platforms like OnlyFans or PayPal that the IRS easily monitors, so they were paying their taxes anyways.

Anyone with two braincells to rub together knew Thot Audit was a joke. This, of course, meant a considerable amount of people were too dim to realize Thot Audit didn't fucking exist. StoneToss is proudly among that group, flying a flag of ignorant stupidity as he gleefully exults in the financial ruining of women that doesn't fucking exist. Thot Audit popped up quickly, treaded water for awhile as social media news sources wrote boring fluff pieces and stoked its fire, and then eventually went quietly into the void of forgotten memes once nothing came of it because it never gained any traction because it was never real.

How to trigger a StoneToss: remind him that beautiful younger and older women are using their bodies and personalities to earn an income that is greater than anything StoneToss could ever make doing the same thing. And they're paying taxes. And they won't date him. And they fuck other men. And they're mostly liberal. And they don't have pimps.

Comic Name: Holding the Bag

Description: Strange Accounting

Mouseover: Let's not forget to factor in a century or so of Welfare too.

Originally Published: 11/29/2018

What The Comic Is: A black man holds open a bag towards a white man, asking for reparations for slavery. The white man asks if he gets any deductions for abolishing slavery. The black man shoots back that he can't take credit for what his ancestors did.

What StoneToss Actually Thinks: That reparation repayment means that black people go up to white people with burlap sacks and demand money.

Why It's Fucking Stupid: Reparations are a tough and sensitive subject, but it's not as convoluted as most people believe. Really, the generally accepted idea is that reparations come from a rough estimate of the amount of free labor slaves gave their owners during American slavery (the costs the slave owners incurred to purchase/enslave their slaves are not factored into this). Essentially, the figure for what should be paid in reparations comes from the amount of hours slaves worked for their slave owners, so think of it as a sort of back payment for labor that the workers were never paid for. It's also proposed that additional 'suffrage' payment be factored into the total, so basically bonus money added on to pay for the suffering the slaves endured. 

Who is supposed to pay this money? White people, of course. All white people. Nah, only kidding. That would actually be stupid. Instead, it's suggested that the states, governments and enduring families that owe their wealth in part to slavery, who benefited from/condoned/protected/owned slaves, pay reparations. So no, no cartoony black dude walking around with a money bag to collect payments. No, slave states aren't exempt from reparations "because white people ended slavery". Families that owe their inherited fortunes to slave labor aren't exempt from reparations "because white people ended slavery". It's really quite simple and not at all some strange 'reverse racism' against white people.

StoneToss tries to assert that welfare is 'good enough' for reparations. Welfare, a system that benefited all disadvantaged people and often was more difficult for black people to get compared to white people, is not reparations. Welfare is a system in place to help the poor and underprivileged in society. You know, like the black communities that wallowed for centuries in America due to institutionalized discrimination? Funny how financial aid given to help a minority people who've been systematically suppressed since their arrival in the USA isn't equivalent to or able to be granted in place of actual slavery reparations. Funny indeed.

That wraps up issue 40's special edition. Thanks for reading, and remember: StoneToss is an idiot.


  1. I think the second one is also about things like how Pepe is considered a hate symbol. He's comparing the robot to kids who people say will become radicalised by racist memes, and basically saying it wouldn't happen.

  2. New to your site, and I really enjoy it. I was just wondering why you think that male circumcision is entirely indefensible, even on religious grounds. As a Jewish man, I never saw it as something negative, and never saw any drawbacks to it. It's part of the key parts of the religion. Is there some health issue I didn't know about, or something?

    1. It’s a matter of consent. It’s not only parents pushing their religion on their children (already unfortunately common) but also altering their bodies in ways that can’t be undone in accordance with said religion.

      There’s nothing wrong with adults getting circumcised for religious reasons, health reasons, any reason they can think of, and personally I’ve never heard an opponent of infant circumcision claim that there is. The issue is that infants can’t consent to the irreversible and ultimately unnecessary changes being imposed on them to fit what their parents would like best.

  3. I don't think StoneToss watches porn, at least not without guilt. Alt-righters hate pornography, they think it's a tool of the Jews. Wouldn't be surprised if he does it anyway though.
