Explore A World Of Stupidity

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Year End Review, 2020

2020 sure was fucking insane, wasn't it?

You probably noticed this is not a post about a StoneToss comic, or a Red Panels comic. Or a MrPumpkinFace comic. Or any comics. And you'd be right! Christmas is afoot, and I am way too busy to write this dumb blog, so I'm going to make this quick.  

In the interest of doing something somewhat special for 2020's last post, I decided to quickly ramble about this blog's history, how far it's come so far, and then reflect on some of the barbaric stupidity we've witnessed the last seven months. I've told this story on this blog before, but let me recap; I started this project in October of 2019. I posted about seven posts or so, then promptly abandoned the idea due to severe lack of interest on reader's parts. I didn't intend to abandon it forever, as I knew that eventually I'd see enough of StoneToss's dumbassery to prompt me to start writing again, which by May 2020 was certainly the case (Covid helped a bit with that, too, making StoneToss comics only the second worst thing to happen in the year). Since then, readership has been really high and continues to grow at a steady little pace. It's likely our Lord and Savior himself has at least a cursory awareness of this blog by now. 

By the end of October, this blog hit 100k views. By the end of December it's hitting 175k. I never expected this pet project to be so fruitful, and I have a lot of big plans for it going into 2021. I could have done it without all of you, but without the allure of internet success and clout, I wouldn't have ever done it. We're here because of all of you. Well, mostly it's just because of me, since I write the blog. But it's also you. ((mostly me)). But you. ((but still mostly me)).

Let's look forward to the future by looking back on the past. Here are some of StoneToss Is An Idiot's most memorable comics covered from 2020 (as decided by me, who was the sole voter and judge panelist).

Comic Name: Star Mangled Banner

Posted In: StoneToss: Episode 40: Special Edition I

This was one of StoneToss's original Israel comics. I think this was right around the time I started noticing that StoneToss had a curious habit of never, ever mentioning a topic in anyway ever and then the second he does, he starts going on and on and on about it for years to come. It may be he had opinions on Israel that just never made their way to his comic, and then he 'broke the seal' with a comic like this one, but I've been beginning to suspect that StoneToss's tiny, salty little peanut brain is a lot more like moldable pudding and a lot less like a solid rock of TRUTH and LOGIC. I begin to suspect that StoneToss is only recently learning (being told) about Israel, and that his hot takes on things are sometimes much fresher than he would like people to imagine. 

I still don't 100% understand what the "did you lose your glasses again" line is meant to infer. Did Mr. Jones mistake the Israeli flag for the American flag? Is the boy just rhetorically stating the obvious, because Mr. Jones visibly doesn't have his glasses on? What was the joke??

Comic Name: Stumbling Blocks

Posted In: StoneToss: Episode 41

This is literally one of StoneToss's stupidest fucking comics. I mean, arguably it could be his stupidest. I actually may have gotten things wrong when I originally covered this strip, as I said that panels four and five seemed to depict BDSM/sex toys (my initial reading of the strip being that StoneToss was so bigoted and anti-sex that even fetishes like BDSM or the use of sex toys was sacrilegious to his weakling, Church-obeying mind). Readers pointed out that it looked more like panels 4/5 were transgender blocks who were getting sexual reassignment surgeries (or as StoneToss would call it, 'mutilating their bodies'). At any rate, let's not argue about how StoneToss is stupid. Let's just agree that StoneToss is very, very stupid. 

I pointed this out before, but StoneToss' readers (he has a few 'super fans' who'll comment on every post he makes) hilariously argued about panel 6, thinking it had to be about pedophilia due to the size difference of the blocks. The panel is obviously 'BBC' interracial porn (StoneToss constantly depicts black men in positions of sexual dominance over white women/men). His readers didn't like that it was depicting black guys with big dicks, so they had to try and argue that it must be pedophilia lmao.

Again I want to point out the brazen hypocrisy and disgusting stupidity of this comic. StoneToss depicts the nuclear 'man and wife' relationship as somehow under attack by everyone else; they're even offended and shocked by the very mere existence of other blocks. In reality, gay people and trans people aren't forcing cis people into 'gayification camps'. On the other hand, "gay conversion" camps have been around for decades, trying to forcefully 'cure' gay or genderqueer individuals. Fuck this comic, fuck StoneToss and fuck his readers.

Comic Name: Black Lives Tattered

Posted In: StoneToss: Episode 9

This was one of the first comics I covered when I started back up on the blog. Little did I know, at the time, just how insane 2020 would start to become in the second half of Spring and onwards. Originally I was going to do the blog in a pure chronological format, without going into StoneToss's more recent works (I was going to start with his original posts and work through them from earliest to latest) but this stupid fucking comic caused me to temporarily break that format and cover a new comic.

Obviously this depicted the murder of George Floyd, only it's revealed he's kneeling on his own neck. StoneToss was trying to infer that Floyd brought his murder on himself, because I guess police have zero responsibility for their actions so long as they never cause StoneToss any personal trouble. Truly one of his most offensively dumb comics that he probably feels very smugly about. He's like a fucking child, screaming swear words and then giggling when the teachers tell him to stop disrupting class. His own little safe space bubble world where he's always the winner.

Comic Name: Chick-Fil-Ayy

Posted In: StoneToss: Episode 25

People really liked this one because I made a joke that the Chick-fil-A guy looked like the Scout from Team Fortress 2. Also, it's StoneToss pretending to be a victim yet a-fucking-gain.

 Comic Name: No Choice

Posted In: StoneToss: Episode 20

StoneToss hates gay people. He hates that they have the same right as he does, and he hates that they exist period. He also really hates that they have more sex than he does (though anyone who has sex a single time has probably lapped StoneToss in that race) If we go by this shitty comic's logic, that gay people are only gay because they were raped/molested as children, then to explain StoneToss's obsession with big, huge donged black guys fucking white women/men, that must mean... Oh. ...Oh! Oh. Oh?

StoneToss always depicts his homosexual characters as having swirly little 'toothpaste' hair, and he draws the gay guy as having the same type of hair as a child. Does that mean that, despite the abuse he suffered as a kid, that he was already gay before it? StoneToss, you're more progressive than I thought! You're still a fucking idiot, though.

These were some of the comics that stuck out in my brain the most from over the last year. As we go into 2021, there's so much more StoneToss idiocy to discover and look at. I hope you'll be with me when we get there, sexy reader. Thank You.


  1. This is a nice recap, and it gave me an absolutely genius little idea. You should add a "random" button that takes you to a random post on the blog. It would make reader older entries more convenient.

    1. A random page button is a good idea. I'll look into it.

  2. This Stonetoss guy lives rent free in your little mind lmao

  3. On PC, hovering over the image names is incredibly telling. Lmao, he didn't even spell LGBT correct in the blocks one, he called it "lgbtp-blocks-comic". Amazed someone could be that stupid. And to go a few weeks back, the circumcision comic about the guy sawing his leg off is literally called "circumcision-is-amputation-comic"

    1. I don't think that's a misspelling, the "P" is supposed to stand for "pedophilia."

  4. Unsure about the folks who pointed out the block comic stuff, but I didn't really saw it as BBC when I read it before you pointed that out imo. With the knowledge that he did a previous comic about muh slippery slope and how that will somehow cause pedophilia to be normalized, the blocks comic seems to follow a similar trend of 'escalation of horrific acts' when I first saw it. It progressed from simply two blows doing it together, to then implied mutilation with the imagery, so my mind naturally looked at the two heterosexual blocks being shocked, looking at the size disparity, and going "Oh I guess dumb comic man is saying this leads to pedophilia, somehow". Honestly, I still kinda see the pedophilia angle because otherwise it'd be a weird escalation, from same blocks, 'mutilation', to... two different races doing the deed? I CAN see what you mean, it's just kind of a wild to think that Rockthrow just throws BBC under the boss for ??? reasons. At least, reasons I'm not too filled in personally.

  5. I'm pretty sure the first comic is about how the US often fights for Israel and gives it military support. The did you forget your glasses part was about the kid thinking that the old man was confusing Israel and the US.
